向日葵油 富含欧米茄6,用于皮肤健康。
蓖麻油这种成分将带回一些有一勺由奶奶或母亲定期喂养的记忆! 然而,他们知道一两件事情,它确实有伟大的属性。 这种油有助于轻轻地去除化妆,而不会拖曳眼睛周围的娇嫩皮肤。 脚轮油减少眼睑周围的炎症,有助于减少眼睛发炎时出现的灼热感、肿胀和发红。用脚轮油定期轻轻按摩眼睛周围的皮肤,有助于保持皮肤柔软光滑。它还有助于防止黑眼圈。血液循环通过应用这种美妙的油,给你完美的皮肤。你可以防止乌鸦的脚和其他老化的迹象显示你的眼睛与这个真棒油的帮助!
黄瓜提取物 以来调和,色调和保护。 黄瓜与眼睛有天然的亲和力:
- 它振兴,振兴和公司的皮肤。
- 它有一个微妙的,温和的皮肤减轻效果,有助于消除黑眼圈!
- 黄瓜中的抗坏血酸和咖啡酸有助于减少肿胀和浮肿。
- 黄瓜可以改善你的皮肤肤色,特别是如果你正在经历发红或刺激。
- 黄瓜可以帮助收紧打开的毛孔,因此是一个很好的碳粉。
- 黄瓜富含维生素E、钾和抗氧化剂,有助于减少细纹, 减少瑕疵和老化迹象。
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I like the fact it doesn't sting. I have struggled to find one that doesn't. I like that it's a cream. I found it too difficult to remove my mascara by applying it to a cotton pad so I apply it directly to my lashes by closing my eye and it gently dissolves it better this way. I then wipe it with a pad. My mascara is water resistant though. It also requires more than one application. Overall, pretty good.
I like it, gentle on the eyes and does the work.
Non uso mai struccanti per occhi in crema, ma questo mi è piaciuto tantissimo perché rimuove molto bene ogni traccia di make up (anche quello più intenso), non arrossa gli occhi e, inoltre, idrata la zona perioculare... perfetto :)
Translation: I never use cleansing cream for eyes , but I loved it very well because it removes all traces of make up (even more intense ) , not reddens the eyes and also hydrates the eye area ... perfect :)
At last an eye make up remover that doesn't sting and actually leaves the skin around my eyes soft and moisturised too! So happy with this product.
Natural eye make up remover is a gentle cream to remove makeup. It is applied on the eyes via a cotton pad. I did notice that in the case of heavily pigmented mascara it might not completely eliminate it and it is necessary to finish with micellar water, or toner for example. But if you are accustomed to light, mineral eye shadows or less pigmented mascara, is ideal because it is mild, does not burn or tarnish your view.